
dinsdag 20 december 2011

Assistance of the ascended masters

Assistance of the ascended masters (translation of the blog 'hulp van de geascendeerde meesters')
Last night I made this blog, started at 23.03 en finished at 23.20 and woke up at 2.30
So several times my eyes felt on the combination of the numbers 2 and 3.
I always check my book 'Healing met de Engelen (with the Angels)' of Doreen Virtue what the message is.
The ascended masters are working together with you as co-creators of your new project.
They tell you that they are just as excited as you are and that now everything will work out great for you.
The ascended masters see your future guaranteed filled with happiness where you are looking for.
Enjoy this new fase of your life!
Isn't that great?! What else can I wish for as you start of with this kind of project and have the guts to start sharing in a blog.
I want to thank you allready for following my blog, thanks for sharing this with you, thanks for finding me and who knows maybe I stimulate you to start a project like this too.
In a blog of Irene you can see a picture of the list which was encluded in the flow magazine with 365 ideas what kind of projects you could do (all in Dutch).
It doesn't need to be so extensive as I do it, you can also make a picture a day from your window view.
Hey it is (was) 23.32 great!

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